[AMPS] The G2DAF Amplifier; Intents and Purposes

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 10:45:53 -0700

>I pulled up the subscriber list yesterday...there are some 425
>subscribers to "AMPS." Since I am no spring chicken, and
>did not just fall off the turnip truck onto this reflector, I think I
>can safely say that there are at least 200-300 of us out here in
>cyberville that would like to know the following:
>1. What was the intended "mission" of the "DAF amplifier?
>    a. to save money

A regulated screen supply for an 8171. takes a approx. 1200v, 100mA power 
transformer, rectifiers, C-filter, a 723 IC, a hexfet, a SCR and a few 
small components.    This takes perhaps $35 for swap-meet mavens   The 
0mA  grid bias supply might cost  $25.  

>    b. to get higher power out of a tube than by other classes of operation

The DAFs I am familiar with ran substantial grid-current.  Perhsps 1db 
more power resulted  -  compared to virtually zero grid-current 

>    c. to use a tube that is not normally suited for linear amp use. 

The only tubes that are simply not suited for use in a DAF amplifier are 
those that  are producing embarrassing splatter.  

>    d. to gain notoriaty for the "inventor"

It's kinda like voting for Ross Perot.  

>    e. all of the above
>    f.  none of the above
>Inquiring minds would like to know!!!
I realize that it sounds off the wall, but I am beginning to suspect that 
some of the true-believers may have had trouble with an authority figure 
during their early childhoods.  For some, the 3/2-Power Law seemingly 
sticks in their craw.  
I also suspect that some of the professed True-believers are covertly 
seeking attention.  

Cheers, Phil.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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