[AMPS] Plate xmfr FS

Lane Zeitler Ku7i@worldnet.att.net
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 19:43:12 -0800

> Plate xmfr. Primary has taps for 208, 220, 240. Secondary is 3300 or 4400
> volts center tap (or 1/2 of 3300 or 4400 each side of center tap) at 1.75
> amps CCS. Weighs about 150 pounds so must be pick up ONLY in San Diego.
> currently offers a copy of this on his commercial equipment web page for
> $785.00. This one is a commercial bdcst station pull. Made by Aiyden
> Systems.
> Price is $205 pick up only.
> Lane
> Ku7i
> San Diego

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