[AMPS] FL2100Z

Neil Carr carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:43:23 +0100

Can anyone offer me some advice on the FL2100Z please?

Ive recently bought one for a silly price (due to the fact it wasn't working
and had many faults).

I've now managed to get down to two problems, any advice/assistance would be
much appreciated. Replies direct to

carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk    please.

(1) I have a bad i/p match on 10/12/15/20m the other bands are good.   How
do I adjust the input matching? A quick look inside the back panel cut out,
suggests the band switch L.C. tuning are preset values with no trimmers, Am
I missing something? (I don't have a cct diagram)

(2) Someone has told me they think the following   is a know problem, and
this is the place to find the answer, here goes.....

No matter how well the amp tunes up on a particular band (and all bands are
affected) after a short period of time the o/p is nil and I have to
completely retune, for example, tune up to 400w on 160m, leave things
running on stby, come back 15 mins later and o/p is nil. a retune brings it
back up, but plate and load and in completely different positions. Ive heard
there's a capacitor somewhere thats the culprit????

73 and hope to hear from someone de Neil G0JHC.

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