[AMPS] 3/2 power law and Rich's very wide signal

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 17:02:44 -0700

>Rich said:
>"Eimac, Amperex, Philips, Svetlana and RCA recommend regulated screen
>potential for tetrodes in AB linear service   Could they all be out of step
>except Mr. Thornley?"
>Boeing, Douglas, DeHaviland, British Aerospace, Cessna, and Airbus recommend
>putting the tail on the rear of an aircraft.  

> Burt Rutan put it on the front
>and his brother flew it around the world non-stop.  Was he "out of step"?
>Or, closer to home, if major amplifier companies state that your parasitic
>suppressors are not necessary, are they all out of step?  Be careful where
>you step, Rich!

Specifically, Rauch and Ehrhorn made the claim.  The gold-sputtered tubes 
shown in ''Parasites Revisited'' (QST, 9-90, 10-90) came from an Alpha 
amplifier.  To view some parasite arced bandswitches out of Ameritron 
amplifiers, please see my Web site.  Mr. Rauch professes that nichrome 
has decreased resistance as frequency decreases.  Do you believe this to 
be true.  He also says that standard AC circuit analysis will not work 
for parasitic suppressors.  
cheers, Colin

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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