[AMPS] Serious debate: Dynamic IMD testing

petter.gardin@aerotechtelub.se petter.gardin@aerotechtelub.se
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 17:21:42 +0200

Observe the change in topic...

"Ian White, G3SEK" skrev:

> >
> >measures wrote:
> >
> >> >
> >> >Yes the measurements will be made at different power output levels first of
> >> >all on the 'DAF' circuit but if time permits also on an conventional amp
> >> >(AB1 or AB2)
> >> >
> >>  The flaw only shows up during voice modulation.
> >
> >And for repeatable test purposes, who will speak into the microphone ?
> >
> >
> >
> The world clearly needs a standard reference .wav file.
> Now who shall we nominate?

Shall we take someone from Japan , deep Texas or even Wales ??

No I think we need to define a dynamic test method that simulates the human voice.
It has to have the frequency components of speach mixed with the freqency component
of the syllable frequency.
Another interesting thing is energy content of the different frequency components .

The dynamic three tone test I mentioned in an earlier post is a step in that
direction, it just have to be defined and agreed upon..

73, Petter SM3PXO

> 73 from Ian G3SEK

>     Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
>                           'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
>                            http://www.ifwtech.com/g3sek
> --
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Petter Gärdin

Senior EMC Engineer
Telub AB
Division Flyg- och Bassystem
P.O. Box 360
SE-831 25 ÖSTERSUND, Sweden
Visiting Address: Storlienvägen 56

Operator: +46 63 15 60 00
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E-Mail: petter.gardin@aerotechtelub.se

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