[AMPS] Re: Serious debate: Dynamic IMD testing

Conrad Farlow conrad.farlow@virgin.net
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 00:55:48 +0100

I didn't explain myself fully in my previous posting.The third oscillator is
used to "modulate" a VCA thus producing a amplitude modulated output which
is at a varying rate.It would be even better to use 2 oscillators sweeping
at different rates and each amplitude modulating one of the fixed tone
oscillators.This will produce an awful did but it will produce a very
varable amplitude.Why do the 2 tones need to be fixed?Would it not be better
to add a 3rd sweeping tone.This would produce a harmonically rich and
shifting texture with variable amplitude.It would at least be a complex
waveform which should check the dynamics of an amplifier's supplies a little

If the group wants it, I will try to make it.

73 de Conrad G0RUZ

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