[AMPS] Is screen potential important?

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 12:08:14 -0700

>In a message dated 03/30/2000 11:47:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
>rfamps@ic24.net writes:
<<  Also, the input signal is a voice.  Since voice
> >duty-cycle average around 15%, 
>  rich, does the duty cycle (ssb) without processing run 15% on average as u 

On a sustained AHHHH, the duty-cycle is around 35%.  Sentences have a 
duty-cycle of roughly 15%.  This is why so many ssb amplifiers get by 
with a fairly small HV transformer.  In order to be able to see this, one 
needs an oscilloscope to compare the peak v drop across the plate/anode 
meter shunt R with the plate/anode meter reading.  

good question, Hank.  
> >
>  >>

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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