[AMPS] TL922 Spares

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 7 May 2000 07:51:27 -0700

>Re. the TL922, before I start shoe-horning non-standard components into
>place, does anyone know of a source of supply for spares for a) the ceramic
>wafer sections of the bandchange switch 

€  The bandswitch is custom manufactured by Sagodenko company. .  The 
only source is Trio-Kenwood.  //   The 922 has a nasty habit of 
intermittently oscillating at 120MHz and toasting bandswitch contacts - 
esp. on 10m, 15m and 20m.  .   It might be a good idea to improve the VHF 
stability before firing up with a new bandswitch.

>and b) the meters (especially the
>Ig/Output Pwr/V multimeter)?
€ Trio-Kenwood.  

€  High-speed switching is another worthwhile modification - unless you 
are using a TS-820S radio.  
good luck, Martin

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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