[AMPS] Trouble With an AL-80A... Cause?
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 22:18:12 -0800
>Hey All,
> Wondering if i could get some help with a problem my club had
>with our Al-80A about a week ago. Went to turn the amp on (Had
>been working great the day before), And immediatly dident hear the
>normal (Whoosh-Ping) Sound the amp makes when its energizeing.
>Thoguht i dident hit the On switch right, and when i went to hit it
>again, black tinned smoke started to come out of the left vent holes
>by the Caps. Immediatly turned it off and unplugged it. After
>opening the case, We could notice no obvious damaged parts; Not
>even smoke residue on anything. Only tipoff was the case had a
>slight sweet smell to it, not the acid smell you would expect of that
>black smoke.
Unplug the tube and see if you have normal HV. The AL-80 has no
stepstart to limit inrush current to a safe value, so the problem could
be with the on/off switch. This is also common problem in TL-922s and
SB-220s. An easy to build stepstart circuit may be found on my Web site.
cheers, Ulysses
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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