[AMPS] GU-84B, GU-78B+sockets

CT HRD tony@uch.net
Sun, 12 Nov 2000 02:43:42 +0300

    I have got some tubes and sockets left from the customer who reduced his

- GU-84B+sockets
- GU-78B+sockets
- GU-74B(4CX800A)+sockets

    Also 4CX400A, GS-35B and others.
    Vacuum relays, too.

    Details at http://www.dxham.com

    73 !


CT Ham Radio Devices (CT HRD)
Fine Range of Hand Keys & paddles
Collectable Stuff. Svetlana & Other
Russian Tubes. DX Shack Rentals
tony@uch.net   ICQ#19487420

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