[AMPS] SB-220

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 02:15:05 -0800

>I need to replace the Caps in the P.S. on my SB-220.  Since Harbach is out 
>of service does someone know another source for the 200pf 450vdc caps.
The newer electrolytics have more C in the same case size.  I would go 
with 470uF, 450v, 105-degrees C.  The price break is at 10 units, so it 
pays to buy 16 caps and divide the order.  

>Would replacing the filament transformer with a PWDahl provide me any 

It would help to make your wallet easier to carry.  
> Or would I also have to replace the original power transformer 
>with a hypersil..
For better regulation, use copy the tapped secondary config. that the 
TL-922 uses.  Add stepstart or the on/off switch is toast.  //  I would 
not replace the orig. hv transformer unless it failed. 

cheers, Richard

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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