[AMPS] SELL: Command Technologies 2500

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:25:25 -0500

 SELL: Near mint Command Technologies 2500 10-160m linear amplifier. 

 	Reconfiguring my country second  station and offering a near  mint,
highest  quality Command Technologies 2500 linear amplifier with two (2)
3cx800A7's with 1500W++ output  (220VAC primaries)  with about 30-35w of
drive. Unit is complete  with  original manual and shipping cartons and
has only has about 10 hours  use on the Eimac tubes.   To ensure safe,
undamaged delivery, will unplug and remove the Hypersil transformer
(40lbs) and ship separately.  $2000+ shipping. NO QSK installed!
 	The unit was dedicated to 80m operation and mated to a near 
 mint Yaesu  FT990 DC/ auto tune  complete with the  optional 500cycle
and narrow SSB filters 
 installed. Package complete with the Yaesu hand microphone,  matching
SP6 speaker, original operator's manual  and the outboard Time Wave DSP9+
audio filter.  $1300.  I am the original owner and 
 a non-smoker. 
   Unit currently in  daily 80m operation in my Pennsylvania home (near
 or  will transport it to New York City  for a demonstration for any  
interested party.  Replaced the Command Tech and the FT990 with a  Yaesu
1000MP-Mark V and a pair of homebrew 8877's. Ron W2CQM New York  City
> Epilogue: See QRZ.COM for the listing of the  most recent articles
> written  for QST and 73 Magazine authored by W2CQM.
> http://www.qrz.com/callsign.html?callsign=w2cqm

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