[AMPS] AL-1500 Problem

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 15:33:25 -0800

>Hi All,
>Before I will start to do fault diagnosis and try to find reson for it, it
>would be nice to have few comments from you, more experinced with amps and
>specially with AL-1500. The following indications has been made:
>1. Power dificult to find, it gives less than 1 Kw output. Driven
>Power has to be about 45 Watts. If it exceeds this level of driven power
>the Amp. trips down the protection. Usualy it was necessary to have about 90
>Watts to have about 1,5 Kw. Tunning was easy and not at all critical.
>2. Grid current is very low, either in CW or Phone, both almost dont move
>nedle and after aplying Driven Power Plate current goes high sky to 700Ma.
>and in some bands almos 1 A. 
>3. The situation started by no reason. There was no noises, no sparks
>and no smells, just went crazy !?
The AL-1500 is the world's only HF/8877 amp that has no VHF parasitic 
suppressor whatsoever.  See Figure 24 on my Web site.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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