[AMPS] 240VAC Amplifier Wiring

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 13:43:54 -0000

Rich says:

>It is potentially dangerous not to connect the cabinet of U. S. built 
>amplifiers to the Neutral wire. 

Do you really mean this, Rich?

I would have thought it should read 'to the ground wire'.

My preference is to run the neutral to the equipment if needed (i.e.for 120volt
stuff) and the ground wire to the case. That means that major voltage drop in
the neutral doesn't lift the cabinet above the bonding point potential at the
supply inlet.

It shouldn't be necessary to say that all this discussion probably doesn't apply
in places that use different AC distribution systems to those in the US. (like
Europe and I believe, VK, VU, ZL and ZS)


Peter G3RZP

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