[AMPS] Bringing old amps back on line
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:16:29 -0800
>Hi to all on the list.
>I am sure the topics has been covered in previous threads but I could not
>find an answer on the archives.
>What I would like to know is what steps should be performed when bringing
>an older amp back to service.
>The reason I ask is that I am about to get a second hand Yaesu FL-2100z.
>The unit is 18 years old with original tubes (I believe they are 572 -
>haven't seen the unit yet). The gent has owned it since knew, and it has
>never been used over 200W output as he only has a 200W tuner. It was
>mainly so he could use it for AMTOR and let the exciter idle for his 200W
>output. It was last used 2 or so months ago to see if it still worked.
>Very low hours overall (guess-timation of less than 100)
>My questions are:
> Should I heat up the tubes up for a longer period (not the getter
>theory again)?
> Do you run the amp at increasing power levels, what time periods
>(i.e.. 50W for 5 mins, then increase to 100W etc etc)?
> My worry is the HV caps for a vintage machine, should they be swapped
yes. Electrolytics have a finite life. For longer life, choose 105-deg.
C rated units.
>or wait until they die (but that will usually kill something else too)?
> Any other things to consider?
>As I said this will have been dealt with before, but for use "young pups"
>humour me.
>I will be looking for to some comments from Rich and Tom
Tom and Rich agree that the 572B has too-much grid-L for outstanding VHF
stability. Lower Rp parasitic suppressors are helpful.
cheers, Noel
>PS> The FL-2100z is "rated" at 1500W pep INPUT for SSB what is a rule of
>thumb for output (I mean real out the coax output), also for 1000W CW
>INPUT what does that translate into. I know it is a legacy of the days
>when we had INPUT power limits (I have had my call for 18 years now)
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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