[AMPS] Re: Another 1KW Transmitter

Philip de Cadanet phil@invest.fsbusiness.co.uk
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:11:31 +0000

I'm hoping someone on this reflector can point me to a source of the
following, either new or preferably used and tested:

>We are after a RF High Power Amplifier having the following characteristics:
>Input power 0dBm
>Output power 1000W
>Frequency 30-400MHz (minimum 30-88MHz)
>With or without low pass filter at the output
>With or without TX/Rx switch at the output (min. switch time <100us).

Is this the sort of thing that people like Amplifier Research produce?

Any help would be most appreciated.

Phil  G4ZOW

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