[AMPS] DRAKE L-4B bringing back to life !

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 14:36:05 -0500

> Other than the normal high voltage pre-cautions and reforming of the caps,
> are there any other specifics I should look out for on the DRAKE L4-B.

The tubes. 3-500Z's often don't do well sitting for years. They tend 
to gas up a bit, and may flash over when powered up.

The gettering agent is coated on the anode, and needs to be real 
hot before it activates fully.  It would be better if you ran the amp on 
CW position and heated the anodes to a dull red before applying 
SSB voltage.  
73, Tom W8JI

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