[AMPS] Hi Power Connectors

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:49:52 -0800

>The only thing going for PL259 type connectors is they are cheap and readily
>available. The most common failure of connectors (PL259 or N) is mechanical
>or from water ingress. I would not hesitate to use PL259 for legal limit plus
>3db for
>HF or use N connectors for 500 watts at VHF or 430 mc. If you are spending
>money for quality cable to the antennas and would like quality connectors 
>go with C connectors. Just remember the N connector is the same size as a BNC
>connector with a weather tight shell and holds a larger cable. I have put 
>1.5 kw
>through a BNC connector at HF but not for a long period of time. Hope that
I have put 7kW PEP through a BNC on 160m.  

cheers, Steve

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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