[AMPS] Hi Power Connectors

Ian White, G3SEK Ian White, G3SEK" <g3sek@ifwtech.com
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:48:10 +0000

Peter Chadwick wrote:
>Suhner of Switzerland rate type N connectors at
>5100 watts at 20MHz and below with 1.0 SWR, 4200 watts at 1.2 SWR.
>1900 watts at 150Mhz with 1.0SWR, 1500 watts at 1.2SWR
>1100watts at 450MHz with 1.0 SWR,  800 watts at 1.2 SWR
>500 watts at 2GHz with 1.0SWR, 400 watts at 1.2 SWR
The 450MHz figure feels about right. Perfect connectors are OK to handle
a bit more, but you're living on the edge.

>No ratings are given for BNC, 

Since the inner contacts are about the same as N, the rating would be
about the same too - but limited in practice by the small size of cable
that a BNC will take.

>and they don't make type C.
>7/16 connectors are 'only' rated for 12kW at a 1.0SWR at 20MHz and below!
>Personally, I  wouldn't be particularly happy about putting 10 amps even at 50Hz
>through a mated pair of N connectors........still, those are  the ratings.

As a low-frequency limit for BNC-type inner contacts, the MHV and SHV
series are both rated at 10A DC. Again, that feels about right.

73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                          'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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