[AMPS] DRAKE L-4B bringing back to life !

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 10:22:30 -0800

>On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 17:19:35 -0800 measures <2@vc.net> writes:
>>>> Other than the normal high voltage pre-cautions and reforming of 
>>>> the caps, are there any other specifics I should look out for on 
>>>> the DRAKE L4-B.
>>>The tubes. 3-500Z's often don't do well sitting for years. They tend 
>>>to gas up a bit, and may flash over when powered up.
>>story time
>Rumor has it this only occurs after thanksgiving dinner and encompasses
>all glass enveloped tubes not just the 3-500z. Therefore all glass tubes
>should be replaced yearly.  This is exactly why all TV sets are sold at
>reduced prices during this time of year. They know they are gassied up
>from sitting around a year unused.  Computer users have known for years
>monitors are replaced every year because of the gas problem here it is 
>readily noticed by a reduction in bright commentary on the internet.
>to popular belief this is not related to the chemical break down in the
>body of ethanol or other controlled substances... They are all just gassy
>With that said there is a new service policy concerning all services on 
>amps with glass enveloped  active devices.  If they come in before
>giving we have to fix them. If after thanksgiving we simply sell the new
>active devices and then fix them.  This applies for six months after the
>new year so we can make as profit before fiscal end.
>Thanks for your interest and query in this matter.
not bad, not bad.  

cheers,  Jerry 

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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