[AMPS] DRAKE L-4B bringing back to life !

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 18:53:29 -0500

I wrote:

> >>>The tubes. 3-500Z's often don't do well sitting for years. They tend to
> >>>gas up a bit, and may flash over when powered up.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> In spite of Mr. Devine's attempt to portray the above as untrue, I can
> attest from one personal experience that it does indeed happen.  I put a
> SB-1000 in storage in '94 while it was working perfectly, and when
> powering it up in '00, the 3-500Z was so gassy it instantly blew the mains
> fuse.
> Comments, Mr. Devine?

I think he was being egged-on by someone else Bill.

I'm sure most of the people on this reflector know that some 
transmitting tubes, especially glass tubes with large seal areas 
where leads enter the tube,  do tend to gas-up when sitting unused.

Since that fact ruins part of the great parasitic theory, you can 
expect someone to attempt to bury the truth through childish 

73, Tom W8JI

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