[AMPS] Bird meters
Peter Chadwick
Mon, 2 Oct 2000 08:39:14 +0100
Jim said:
>So, would appear to be that the deflection is proportional
>to a function of the current, that is it's square.
>But, I may be looking at this incorrectly, or maybe do
>not understand the question, hi.
No, Jim, you understand the question fine. I'm not too sure that's the answer I
want though!
With Bird replacement meters at $70a pop, I'm hoping that a rescaled
conventional meter and an op amp to drive it will do, with a copy of the Bird
scale attached to the meter - I have a '2 holer' pick up line, and want the
meters to make a pwr/SWR meter to rack mount in the antenna tuner/switch rack.
Peter G3RZP
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