[AMPS] Bird meters

Colin Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Mon, 2 Oct 2000 08:56:13 -0700

Carsten said
"You can get a bucket full of holes from me"

Are you willing to pay for the shipping of the holes, Carsten, and what
about customs?  British cutoms may want a Certificate of Origin.

If they come to the US, then we need a certificate that children were not
used in the manufacture, that no illegal labor was used to make the holes
and a fair wage was paid and also a certificate that the stock removed to
create the hole was not improperly disposed of.

And, they need to be properly packed to prevent anything from occupying the
space they require to make them a hole, as they would no longer be a hole.

Certainly commend you on the generosity.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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