[AMPS] 2nd 8877 test result

D.Anderson dla@theriver.com
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 16:07:43 -0700

Is the heater resistance normal.  Some heaters open and then heal??

-----Original Message-----
From: measures <2@vc.net>
To: AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:41 PM
Subject: [AMPS] 2nd 8877 test result

>The second reportedly kaput 8877 (s/n LZZ 506) that was removed from an 
>AL-1500 was tested today.  The positive and the negative anode/grid 
>leakage was under 2uA @ 8000v - so gold-sputtering is not likely.  The 
>heater has continuity.  The anode appears to have been quite hot --  but 
>obviously not hot enough to cause seal failure.  Any guesses from the 
>8877-mavens as to why this tube failed?
>-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  
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