SV: [AMPS] SB200 Retrofit

Fri, 06 Oct 2000 15:35:18 +0200

Oh yes, look into EIMACs application notes for radio hams where Bill shows
the effect of linearity by a cathode tuned circuit in  gg amplifiers. 

Again, and I have said it many times now: who can scan into a CD, before it
is too late, the great amount of amp articles that we old timers have on our
book shelf? From HAM RADIO and the other magazines as well as EIMAC for over
fifty years. Much EIMAC stuff has been in Bill Orrs RADIO HANDBOOK about
tube linears and a whole COLLINS chapter about negative feedback used in,
for example, the S-line and KWM 2.

Rich has it all I am sure. So have I.

Prosit de Hans
>Från: measures <>
>Till: "A P" <>, "AMPS" <>
>Ämne: RE: [AMPS] SB200 Retrofit
>Datum: tis 3 okt 2000 18.31

>>>Any copy of Bill Orr's or the ARRL Handbook have this info in a nice
>>>table-type format. These valuable reference tools also have the
>>>answers to about 75% of the questions asked here on the reflector.
>>And if "Any copy of Bill Orr's or the ARRL Handbook have this info in a nice
>>table-type format. These valuable reference tools also have the answers to
>>about 75% of the questions asked here on the reflector." had been provided
>>as an answer I would have thought. . .that was useful and we have helped
>>someone along the path of enlightenment. . .
>I can not recall seeing Orr talk about the effect of tuned input Q in G-G 
>>> Cheap shot.
>>Rich is no candy ass. . .he can and will speak for himself. I respect his
>>opinion and have benefitted from his extensive knowledge. Don't mistake
>>constructive criticism aimed at all members of the group for inappropriate
>>behavior. We have seen several instances of inappropriate behavior so I
>>understand the confusion.
>Fishing for lapdogs requires cutting  bait.  
>>There is no way to estimate the number of list members who don't post or
>>unsubscribe because of technocratic or unwelcoming responses. However, I
>>suspect it is a significant number. As a result we lose part of our
>>experience base. There is no way to quantify that loss. Once again, I
>>suspect it is significant.
>My guess on the matter is that readership of the AMPS archive is 
>cheers, Art
>-  Rich..., 805.386.3734,  
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