[AMPS] amp project: 4-400s X 4
Sun, 8 Oct 2000 18:51:03 -0700
Marv suggests using the old computer power supplies to provide regulated
filament voltages for PA tubes.
Marv, you really know how to spoil a guy's day.
I collect old tubes, old transformers, old radios, old meters and power
supply parts. I have more than I need and I still collect them. In short,
I collect junk. But, I have felt good about myself because I do throw some
things out. One of the few things I throw out has been old computer
switching power supplies - because they were not good for anything.
Now, however, you have changed even that. If my wife ever asked me "do you
throw anything out?", I had been prepared to answer "old computer power
supplies". So, if I start collecting old switching power supplies, what am
I going to tell my wife I throw out?
Despite that, it is a great idea!
73, Colin K7FM
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