[AMPS] MFJ-259B Question

Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 03:18:23 -0700

Hi Michael:

What you describe sounds like measurement error of the MFJ unit and proof
that there is a difference between a $250 piece of test equipment and a
$10,000 unit.

Probably the greatest accuracy is when the load is 50 ohm +j0.  As you
depart from that, you will see more and more error.  If the purpose is to
end up with 50 + j0, then it does not matter.  but, if you are measuring
something which is 336 +123, you may not even be close.  I have a large old
GR bridge for that purpose.

Think ball-park rather than exact and you will be ok.  You can also make a
number of calibration fixtures from known parts and use them for calibration
of your unit and/or comparison.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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