[AMPS] MFJ-259B Question

W8AV@aol.com W8AV@aol.com
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:07:54 EDT

In a message dated 10/10/00 11:22:02 AM GMT Daylight Time, k7fm@teleport.com 

<< Probably the greatest accuracy is when the load is 50 ohm +j0.  As you
 depart from that, you will see more and more error.  If the purpose is to
 end up with 50 + j0, then it does not matter.  but, if you are measuring
 something which is 336 +123, you may not even be close.  I have a large old
 GR bridge for that purpose. >>

Even the $5k+  Delta OIB-1 and OIB-3 operating impedance bridges tend to pull 
a bit when the reactances start to get really high.  I also use a GR-1606A 
for critical impedance measurements.   The other nice thing about the MFJ is 
that I can use it as a signal source to excite the GR bridge when making the 
critical measurements.  But for getting in the ballpark, the MFJ works fine.

73........de Goose W8AV 

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