[AMPS] Switches
Peter Chadwick
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:21:25 +0100
Tom says:
>With some components, like switches, the only thing that matters
>is what the component really does in the real circuit.
Manufacturers ratings are a very good guide. If I design in a part rated at 4kV,
and at 4kV, it doesn't hack it, the manufacturer is in for a very bad time.
Generally, this is why manufacturers ratings are very conservative, and you can
push things.
>Other than manufacturing a switch (which sounds like a good idea)
There was an ITT company in France that manufactured high voltage RF switches a
few years back. My suspicion is, even if still available, that although very
good, you can only afford them on a military contract!
Your idea of manufacturing your own is probably the best; as was suggested, the
use of cams to drive switch arms onto the coil has advantages. I've seen that
done on 50kW jobs - that rig used tubes which were of a size with handles that
Rich would appreciate! Of course, if you only need something like a 6 way
switch, then using 60 degree indexing can help the spacing.
Peter G3RZP
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