[AMPS] MFJ-259B Question
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 06:50:33 -0700
>measures wrote:
>> I bought an MFJ keyer. It went
>> belly up. I opened it up to make repairs. I was shocked at the shoddy
>> construction. I placed the pieces in the trash and swore off of MF-Junk
>> for the remainder of my stay on earth.
>At the end of the day the idea is to make money,
Firestone/Bridgestone made lots of money.
>not satisfy those that
>are possibly insatiable: this is easily conformed by looking through the
>pages of QST to see who is advertising. Starkville is THE player in ham
>radio accessories right now. Clearly something is happening there..
>In the meantime some "quality" devices have become unmarketable, with
>the manufacturers going belly up.
>One of the big features of Starkville's products is the high level of
>common sense in providing user-demanded useful features, rather than
>defining what the user shall have and amen.
Say what?
>To the typical hobbyist ham, and that is where the market is, the price
>of the toys is more important than perceived quality or performance.
Eimac recommends the use of a glitch resistor. The AL-1500 (8877)
amplifier has No glitch resistor in the HV + lead. I pay $1.07 for the
glitch resistors we use in our suppressor retrofit kits. A glitch
resistor protects the 8877 from gold-sputtering. / see autopsied 8877
on my Web site.
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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