[AMPS] Switches

Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 07:00:49 -0700

It is possible to construct an output switch using standard components that
greatly exceeds the normal switch voltage ratings.  By using a separate
wafer for each band and having each wafer separated by a spacer, and by
using a non-conducting shaft and ceramic or other non conducting spacers for
the two bolts holding the assembly together, the breakdown voltage can be
increased ten fold.  Since the switch contacts are normally not the problem,
even small switches can be used - since the distance to an adjacent contact
or ground is increased ten fold.   If the output coil is positioned front to
back through the axis, the connecting wires to the output coil can be very
short.   Although a number of wafers would be used instead of one, each
wafer would only need a couple of  contacts.

In fact, each wafer cold be used to switch two circuits by using a second
part of each wafer 180 degrees opposite.  This could be used for the Pi-L

I believe all of the components required are off the shelf and inexpensive.

73,  Colin  K7FM

I am sure I have the parts out of my junk box to build one.

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