[AMPS] medical pulls

rb rbigg@pcola.gulf.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:15:54 -0500

Fellow hams are looking for 3-500z tubes periodically.  One source mentioned
sometimes as a possible is "medical pulls".

Most of you probably already know what I'm about to report here.  Also, I
don't know if what I'm reporting applies to all areas of the country, but
the logic involved sounds as if it probably does.

I went to a local firm that does specialty electronics repair work on
hospital and clinic type gear.  The engineer I talked to there tells me that
everything they handle has been solid state for years, with the exception of
the X Ray tubes, and those are repairable (that was news to me).

So, the bottom line in at least our area is that there is no good news
concerning the possibility of getting tubes from the med repair businesses.
If anyone can add to this, please do so.  Otherwise, scratch that one off
your list.

73 de Ron, K5BDJ

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