[AMPS] Switches

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:21:45 -0700

>> It is possible to construct an output switch using standard components
>> that greatly exceeds the normal switch voltage ratings.  By using a
>> separate wafer for each band and having each wafer separated by a spacer,
>> and by using a non-conducting shaft and ceramic or other non conducting
>> spacers for the two bolts holding the assembly together, the breakdown
>> voltage can be increased ten fold.
>> I believe all of the components required are off the shelf and
>> inexpensive.
>The rotor to contact breakdown sets the limit. You can increase 
>the other parameters, but not that one.
>That's the problem in the SB-220, AL-80 series style switches, as 
>well as the JV-9000 series.
>It's also the limit in the RSC switches.
>That's the switch killer, and it shows up on the 160 meter padding 
>capacitor on the tuning cap side and on the ten meter tap.
see toasted bandswitch photos on my Web site.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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