[AMPS] a sticky issue.
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 09:24:04 -0700
AMPS members -- Will requested that I telephone him yesterday afternoon
regarding ad hominems. As we were talking, his computer was apparently
downloading a flood of mail from bellyachers / lap dogs (complainants).
Will is understandably discouraged.
My ISP is well aware of the problems on AMPS because he received
complaints from those who are trying to get me expelled from the
Internet. (sic) The ISP's suggestion was to set up another mailing
list, which he would host. There would be , no censorship, and no one
to listen to crybabies. So, if some turkey wants to make a maxi-fool out
of himself, no one will stand in his way. In my opinion, the Rauchian
camp would be unlikely to use such a mailing-list because they could not
hide in the bushes and complain about those who disagree with Tom. .
A possible solution is to remove the coveted hiding place for
Any suggestions?
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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