[AMPS] Switches

Joe Subich, K4IK w8ik@subich.com
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 12:27:11 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of measures
> Assuming that hams are not capable of adjusting  the load-C for a 
> specified  screen-current, is a load of Bandini.  Is Mr. Rauch on some 
> kind of superiority trip or what?
Measures' "superior attitude" strikes again.  For generations amateurs 
have been taught to tune g-g amplifiers for maximum output. Tune for 
plate/screen dip, load for specified screen current is foreign ... just 
listen to the garbage from some of the mistuned tetrode amplifiers 
that have been showing up over the last couple years.  

> Multronics make a line of suitable insuuctors.  Jennings makes a line of 
> suitable capacitors.  With  9-bands, general coverage makes more sense 
> than a bandswitch.    

Why do you insist on this kind of stuff?  The designer already said 
that a vacuum capacitor was not acceptable as is a rotary inductor, 
no doubt.  There is a significant cost impact (not including the 
need for a bandswitch on the input anyway) that would make such a 
product commercially unviable. 

Not everyone shares your design priorities (amplifiers with > $4.5K 
in parts).  If you don't have anything positive to contribute keep 
your hands off the keyboard. 

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