[AMPS] Archive

Will k6ndv@contesting.com
Sun, 15 Oct 2000 07:29:24 -0700

At 08:08 PM 10/14/2000 -0700, measures wrote:

>Your  proposed 28-Nov. sample problem is still in Will's archive.  With
>no changes whatsoever it torpedos your argument.  This is the likely
>reason you tried

Who is the above mentioned Will, and where is his archive located on-line?

Warren - K2BM

>>>>>>The mentioned Will is me, K6NDV, see below:

"GOOD SOURCE FOR AMPLIFIER TIPS" has moved to a new location and I will
update everything this afternoon.
The new home will be at: http://www.topband.net
Don't expect to see it until a later announcement.
73 Will,  K6NDV

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