[AMPS] a sticky issue.
Pete Smith
Sun, 15 Oct 2000 12:40:36 -0400
At 08:55 AM 10/15/00 -0400, Tom Rauch wrote:
>> Remember in the last few days we have been told equipment has to be
>> designed for the cheap and the ignorant
>Actually that is true. It doesn't mean everyone doesn't know how to
>tune a PA or is cheap, but the fact is many people don't. You'd be
>amazed at the calls!
I don't think that this is anything to get angry about -- manufacturers of
"normal" products weigh cost and quality considerations every day, and
there is nothing inherently less honorable about being a Hyundai than a Lexus.
As for the question of proper operation, we're all prone to think we know
what we're doing and ignore the manual. Trouble is, there aren't that many
tetrode linears around, and the tune-up routine is so different from a GG
triode that many of us would rely on our triode experience and risk burning
up the tube. It's not hard to understand why a manufacturer would weigh
that tendency (and the resulting support headaches) in the decision whether
to go with a tetrode or a triode.
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
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