Mon, 16 Oct 2000 09:18:23 EDT
In a message dated 10/16/00 8:25:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
w8ji@contesting.com writes:
> WT8R wrote:
> > A friend of mine owned an AL-80A. He told me that the inductance in both
> > the
> > anode RF Choke and the filament choke were insufficient. He rewound
> > of
> > these adding turns in each instance and more ferrite rod before solving
> > the problems.
> That's about the silliest thing I've ever heard!
Well, I see it is time for Tom to blow smoke and duck the issues AGAIN
claiming that no one else (besides himself) knows anything.
First of all, apparently Tom's comprehension of the English language is
lacking. You will notice that I said a friend of mine owned the amplifier,
NOT me. Is Tom calling me a liar?
My friend is an Old Timer who is an excellent technician and knows of what he
> The inductance of the filament choke has absolutely nothing to do
> with tube heating at all! If it is too low, the tube simply can't be
> driven properly.
> With the plate choke, the only problem would be an increase in
> tank Q on 160 meters.
My friend does not operate 160 meters.
> The plate choke is self-resonant on 11 meters CB, and was
> intentionally made that way. Maybe your friend was using the
> amplifier on CB?
Tom, only a person as insecure as yourself would accuse someone of using your
AL-80A on CB radio. That is the SILLIEST thing I have ever heard.
> > The lack of sufficient inductance in the filament choke caused the tube
> > dissipate too much heat in the anode even when at idle.
I wonder why the anode always had a dull red glow to it even when idling?
> Pure nonsense.
> > Apparently the bias voltage was incorrectly dimensioned for proper
> > operation.
NOT nonsense Tom. When he changed it, the anode lost the red glow and ran
much cooler, and the power output went up. Maybe your name is really Albert
> Nonsense again. The bias sets the current at 1/2 the rated
> dissipation.
> Nice try Dave.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> w8ji@contesting.com
The bottom line is Tom, are you calling me a liar? You call many others on
this list a liar.
What was the reason you were removed from the list previously Tom?
73 de
Dave, WT8R
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