[AMPS] a sticky issue.

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 07:04:03 -0700

>Rich says:
>>The bottom-line on resistance-wire suppressors is that they reduce the 
>>10m dissipative burden on R-supp. 
>The suppressor coil wound with resistance wire has one advantage to my 
>mind - it
>stays pretty much the same resistance over time; we know that carbon comp
>resistors do go go high.
Carbon comp resistors are intolerant of overloads.  The 100-ohm, 3w rated 
Matsushita resistors we use in our suppressor retrofit kits can dissipate 
12w for 1-hour.  In a darkened room, the resistor glow a dull red.  
Matsushita has got its ducks lined up in a row.  

>Even better is a layout and tube that doesn't need a suppressor..........but
>that's not always possible.
See Figure 24 on my Web site.  
cheers, Peter

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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