[AMPS] Commercial amp design on AMPS

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 18:40:02 -0400

Hi Dave,

You wrote:

> Personally I don't give a hang whether Tom uses the Amps reflector to HELP
> him design amplifiers or not.  
> What I have a problem with is the high handed manner with which we are
> told that this design philosophy must be followed or that we don't know
> our sitter from a toroid.  The pontification that Tom spews out certainly
> scares off many who would like to learn some of the knowledge available
> here as seen above.
> One might think that Tom owns this list and will decide who is qualified
> to participate and who isn't.
> 73 de
> Dave, WT8R

If I've said something to personally insult you I'm sorry and 
apologize here in public.

I only was trying to point out the claim the filament choke and plate 
choke somehow affected efficiency and especially tube color at an 
idle was totally impossible.

It was the claim I was being critical of, not you.

It certainly is difficult at times to sort technical disagreements apart 
from personal issues, but believe me I never meant to offend you. I 
hope we ALL have the freedom to correct technical mistakes and 
explain things without having to suffer personal attacks.

73, Tom W8JI

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