[AMPS] Screen protection WHAAAATTTTTT!!!!

Conrad Farlow conrad.farlow@virgin.net
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:04:26 +0100

Let me see if I have got lost here

Rich said

>Burning up a tetrode's screen from
>>>mistuning is unlikely because screen supply power transformers usually
>>>have fast-acting fuses in the primary.

Explain to me how this could be anyone only or primary protection against
screen overcurrent and be considered effective?

Ian G3SEK said
>>Can anyone think of a *worse* way to protect the screen of a tetrode?

In my opinion I have to say an emphatic no!

Rich said

>>Substitute a 20A slow blow fuse for the fast blow screen fuse?  Wrap
>>aluminum foil around an open fuse and reinsert in the screen fuse holder?

Sorry I stand corrected this is worse, well done Rich!

>>-  During the entire time that the Plywood Box was in service, it
>>consumed less than 1 box of 5 fuses.  Rated screen dissipation was 275w.
>>The fast blow fuse opened at roughly 200w.

That Rich is not a very scientific presentation of data is it?Are you saying
that because 5 fuses actually blew that this constitutes proof of "adequate"
protection?How roughly is roughly?Within 10 percent 74.35 percent

Rich then wrote

>>On AMPS, there are those who know what's what, and there are those who
>>pretend they know.

Could you please submit a list of those who know what's what and those who
don't Rich?Just so I know who to ignore.

Tom said
>Fuses mainly prevent drastic melt-downs.

Rich said rather usefully


Why is that funny?Are you still suggesting that a fuse in the primary of a
screen supply transformer is the "Best" protection?Cmon Rich you can back
down on this one and we won't hold it against you

Tom wrote
>Electronic circuits are
>much more reliable

Certainly more accurate and repeatable.

Rich wrote

>>Transistors that C/E short offer zero protection.

Ok so sense the voltage drop across a resistor across the screen supply,
feed the transistor via an opto isolator,make the transistor trip a fast
relay in the primary of the supply transformer.This is better and more
reliable than a fuse surely.

> and hundreds of times faster in most

>>Screen potential was 1200 - 1500 V.  Duhhh.

So what?


I doubt it!

Conrad G0RUZ

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