Ian Roberts
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 09:14:43 +0200
Rich, are you of the opinion that gettering is a false concept?
In any case, 1400 deg C seems be to mighty hot (white hot?)
measures wrote:
> >
> >> >The 3-500Z getters itself through a Zirconium coating on the anode. This
> >> >is the coating that gives the anode a dull powdery gray color. Zirconium
> >> >absorbs different gases at different temperatures, with optimum gettering
> >> >for most gases occurring around 1400 degrees C. Optimum absorbing of
> >> >hydrogen occurs at 350 degrees C.
> >> ______________________________________________________________
> >>
> >> Very interesting. Is there a similar effect with the graphite-anode
> >> versions?
> >>
> >> 73, Bill W7TI
> >
> >The effect is the same. The same materials are used.
> >
> Taurine feculence.
> >Graphite tends to release more gas and other impurities more than
> >hard metals, but otherwise gettering operation is about the same.
> Graphite anodes contain only graphite. Graphite has the ability store
> gas, however, it does not getter. // To feed their egos, some people
> fabricate.
> end
> - Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
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