[AMPS] Screen protection WHAAAATTTTTT!!!!

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 04:39:03 -0700

>Rich says:
>	>...  too much power is lost with large tetrodes - which have No 
>	>requirement for ability to shunt large negative screen currents.  For
>	>8171, we are talking about adding a several kV supply and very roughly 
>	>500w on standby.  
>If there's no negative screen current, then you can get away without a shunt
>screen supply, admittedly. But you made a blanket, general staement. There 
>ways of shunt and series regulating at voltages over 800. 

One could shunt regulate the 9kV anode supply if one wished.  With more 
than 800v on a screen, there is virtually no reverse current.  With 400v 
screens, shunt regulators are quite right.  With 1500v  screens, crowbar 
protected pass regulators are more suitable.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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