[AMPS] Re: G2DAF Amps Circuit

Bill Aycock baycock@HIWAAY.NET
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:33:29 -0500

Previous posts indicate that the numbers Rich used below were NOT for a
G2DAF Amp, but for a "bastardized" version. Rich has a "Thing" against the
so-called G2DAF, and his comments are to be taken with caution.


At 08:06 AM 10/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>     There are diodes that work just fine but I just don�t remember
>>     what type right now. I know that SM2CEW and SM3BDZ uses
>>     doides with excelent result in their DAF boxes.
>''Excellent results'' are not intermodulation distortion products of 
>minus 22db.  
>-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  
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Bill Aycock   ---   Persimmon Hill 
 Woodville, Alabama, US 35776
 (in the N.E. corner of the State)
      W4BSG   --   Grid EM64vr

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