[AMPS] Re: G2DAF Amps Circuit
Tom Rauch
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 20:23:10 -0400
> Gimme five minutes in a contest and I will spot 50 stations for you who
> run the magnificent GG circuit in their amplifiers and still transmit
> feculence to the degree that you wanna puke.
Contests are a bad time to decide what is the problem Peter.
I know of people who stupidly turn their solid state exciter's internal
power limiting up an extra 25-50% just because the radio "can do
it". Some carry over from CB mentality of "peaking up a radio",
some just do it because others tell them it "works".
Some contesters, I'm sure it is not the majority, intentionally run a
little "nasty" just to keep people away.
Just because some people in contests cause problems, or
because that system appears to work in one case, doesn't mean
we should embrace a poor design and encourage its use.
73, Tom W8JI
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