[AMPS] Re: G2DAF Amps Circuit
Ian Roberts
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 08:47:34 +0200
We have established already that this DAF thing is probably fine
business in key down use such as FM, AM, RTTY, SSTV etc, etc. but is
probably worst at SSB. It may be OK on CW.
These guys in SM should now pull finger and do some IMD measurements so
that his thing can be put to bed.
Bill Aycock wrote:
> Tom- I have heard little good about it, either, except that the "real"
> G2DAF circuit depended on a particular tube to work acceptably, and that
> the units Rich is mad at, and talks about, were NOT the real thing. THis is
> from his own words, just put in more blunt form. He has not, apparently
> ever heard a real one. Each one he has heard, from his posts, had been
> "improved" by someome otherwise well known for feculence, already.
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