[AMPS] Re: Re: G2DAF Amps Circuit
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 00:36:50 -0700
> I don�t care the slightest bit about that DB figure Rich.
> All I know is that those DAF amps of CEW and BDZ "on the
> air" performance is excelent so yes I stand by my previus
> statement. It might not be easy getting a DAF working good
> but it can be done so just don�t call them off.
The DAF circuit works well on a 2-tone test because the screen potential
is constant. With SSB voice modulation, this is not the case.
> In the upcomming CQWW contest you can listen to famous
> USA stations, and others also for that matter, that flat top,
> splatter, distort and plainly splatter and they are not runing
> DAF boxes. If you are lucky you might hear SM2CEW and
> he will sound just fine, or if you are even more lucky you
> will hear SM2EKM but he ain�t runing a DAF amp.
> By the way, one example to show how much people care.
> The other day I heard KH7R operated by CT1BOH and he
> had massive distortion and also flattopping and a bit wide
> signal as result but main thing was that he sounded awful.
> So I called him up and reported my findings as hams done
> for 100 years I guess, all he said was thank you and continued
> to operate, he simple didn�t care I guess.
Roger that.
>I sure all it would
> have taken was a adjustment of the gain controls.
> Another example, a fellow with a FT1000MP sounded just
> awful due too much gain (distortion and what not) so I told
> him about it and guess what he told me.Yes he said " I am
> operating my radio acording to the manual so that cant be"
> and he continued operating.
> I just ask myself, is there really any hope for humanity?
> Now I�m gonna go and dring coffe!!
cheers, Jim.
> PS: Listen for me in the CQWW, I will use call 7S2W on 15m,
> if there is any propagation that is.
>-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>Fr�n: 2@vc.net [SMTP:2@vc.net]
>Skickat: den 25 oktober 2000 17:06
>Till: Jan.E.Holm@telia.se; amps@contesting.com
>�mne: Re: [AMPS] Re: G2DAF Amps Circuit
>> There are diodes that work just fine but I just don�t remember
>> what type right now. I know that SM2CEW and SM3BDZ uses
>> doides with excelent result in their DAF boxes.
>''Excellent results'' are not intermodulation distortion products of
>minus 22db.
>- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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> <<Fil: Re_ [AMPS] Re_ G2DAF Amps Circuit.TXT>>
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>Submissions: amps@contesting.com
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- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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