SV: [AMPS] G2DAF Circuit

Lars Harlin
Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:45:42 +0200

Fellow Amp-freaks,

Although I had decided that this issue was closed for my part, using my DAF amps with happines (for me and others),
guess I anyway owe you some answers. Comments in text below...

----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- 
Från: Tom Rauch <>
Till: Peter Sundberg <>
Kopia: <>
Skickat: den 27 oktober 2000 22:18
Ämne: Re: [AMPS] G2DAF Circuit

> A schematic is worth 1000 pictures. Is it grid driven? Does it have 
> grid bias? What is the screen current? Drive power?

At the web page you will find the schematic of my amp.
Yes it´s grid driven. There is no grid bias, only cut off bias! Screen current @ drive power 100W is 60-80 mA depending on load.

> When you measured SSB bandwidth, how many sweeps were 
> used for the peak? I assume the analyzer was set for peak holding 
> and not the average of the sweeps?

The methode used for measurements is extensively covered by SM3PXO at the "measurement link" from my web page.

> The circuit certainly looks like someone didn't have the foggiest 
> idea what they were doing at all when they "designed" it.  

Could be ofcourse, but on the other hand it might just as well be that:

"The comments on the circuit looks like someone didn´t have the foggiest idea
what they were seeing at all when they "rewieved" it."

73 de Lars, SM3BDZ

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