[AMPS] High-SWR protection
Chuck Counselman
Sun, 29 Oct 2000 22:13:21 -0500
Pat Poirier <hkman@hitter.net> wrote:
>I have the VFD and the P-5000 by RF Applications. I was told that they do
>not make a 5000 version of the VFD only the 3000 watt sensing unit for the
>VFD, unless something has changed....
At <http://www.radiodan.com/rfapps/vfd.htm> it is stated that the 5-kW
version of the VFD is new.
>The VFD is real fast but real ugly and not that accurate, I am sending my
>unit back to the factory for re-alignment.... I tested my VFD
>against my two bird watt meters and found that the VFD meter to be reading
>low by 85 watts at 500 watts output into the meters, both bird meters read
>the same output with different slugs.
I'm sorry to hear this. All I can say is that I also have two Bird
wattmeters and an assortment of slugs; and the first thing I'll do when I
get a VFD is to check it against the Birds. If it's inaccurate I'll send
it back and hope they'll make it right. In any case, I'll report my
findings to the AMPS reflector!
Thanks for the heads-up.
73 de Chuck W1HIS
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