[AMPS] Re: TL-922 on 3.5 MHz
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 21:54:14 +0700
My TL-922 is not American version I believe (NOT TL-922A).
1. The band switch has 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and all band is working in
the stock form. The problem I noticed is on the 3,5 Mhz. While the the
phone band is 3.8 Mhz, I tuned the the AMP to work on 3.830. While the plate
position in the max output power, it generate lots of distortion on SSB
mode. When I turn down the plate (decreasing the power) the distortion
disappear. When I used it on 3.5 MHz this problem disappear! Is it the
problem of the AMP or the antenna (my dipole is resonant on 3.7-3.8)?
2. Is is possible to use this amp on FM mode? For how long it is save to
talk ? ( I always use FM mode when tuning this AMP)
3. On 10m, with 90 watts FM input, I read 900 Watts (on MFJ-989C meter) and
700 watts on TL-929 meter. The Ip=600 mA, Ig=260mA, HV=2.1kV.
The input Voltage is 217.8V and drop to 194V on key-down.
Is it considered in the normal condition?
4. In some countries, the AC plug has three pin (Line, Neutral, and Ground)
which is always in fixed position. In my country, the plug can be insert in
the wrong way (the Germany standard plug). Does it has any impach on this
TL-922 if the LNG is not in the correct position (I noticed the IBM AS/400
will damage if we insert the plug in the wrong way!)
Many Thanks
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